01 / nature of the project
The mandate consisted in the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of a 500 mm watermain on Pierre-Dansereau Avenue to complete the supply of the Urbanova sector.
02 / particularities
The project included several sectors with different characteristics and constraints. A portion of the project was located on the edge of wetlands that had to be protected (phase 1) and under Hydro-Quebec rights-of-way. Another portion of the project (phase 2) required the installation of the pipe by drilling under an active golf course. Finally, phase 3 of the project completed the loop on a terrain with relief.
The sizing of the pipe had to be confirmed in the design phase with the help of Aqua-Data and the Régie d’aqueduc intermunicipale des moulins (RAIM). In addition, the various installation methods (excavation, directional drilling or tunnel boring machine) were analyzed to determine the best technical and financial option, depending on the constraints of the terrain.
03 / complexities
The work took place on numerous sections with very varied and innovative construction techniques:
- Installation of pipes in the right-of-way of a future boulevard, requiring the planning of a precise pipe profile to leave space for future infrastructure (sewers, gas, roads, etc.);
- Excavation of rock and “pre-dynamiting” for future pipelines to avoid damage to the water main during the installation of future infrastructures;
- Installation of pipes by directional drilling under wetlands;
- Installation of large diameter pipes within the Hydro-Quebec right-of-way;
- Project management in conjunction with the City of Terrebonne and the Terrebonne-Mascouche Water Board;
- Management of the calls for tenders and the realization of the work in several phases.
04 / constraints
The City’s schedule was very tight and required the combination of several design phases and the joint participation of several designers.

05 / services provided
- Topographic Site Surveys;
- 26 borings with material descriptions;
- Site visit and inspection;
- Proposal and evaluation of possible pipe installation methods;
- Plan and profile;
- Budget estimate;
- Preparation of a final report.
06 / innovations made
- Coordination with RAIM
- Coordination with Hydro-Québec
- Construction techniques and connection to an existing water main
- Development of a route for the future sewer
- Blasting of future sewer alignment